Over the years, as I’ve grown my business — I’ve been blessed to have several mentors — and I am truly grateful to each and every one of them taking their time & sharing their knowledge and experience with me.
But as grateful as I’ve been to my mentors, I’ve also faced some challenges with them.
The main challenge that I’ve faced is that many mentors don’t seem to understand the difference between coaching, consulting and just telling you what to do to.
But I never had that issue with Marcy Katz.
It really impressed me that she understood exactly when she should act as a Coach and ask me questions to go deeper, and when she should act as a consultant and share her experience and give me advice — and she made it very clear when she was switching roles. I found that extremely helpful and supportive.
Another challenge that I’ve faced in the course of consulting with mentors — is that many Coaches and Consultants will come up with a great idea for your business – but if it’s not where you want to go — the coaching and consulting ends there. It often just peters out…. leaving me frustrated and seeking another mentor…
But I never had that issue with Marcy. She respected my own perspective and intuition about the direction my business needed to go — and when to push me out of my comfort zone.
Having had several mentors in my business — and being trained as a professional coach myself — I can tell you these skills are both critical and very rare.
If you’re looking for a great Coach & Consultant to help take your business to the next level – Call Marcy Katz. She has my highest recommendation.